Wednesday, November 3, 2010


so the business times write up  has come n's been ringing steadily..not really anticipating much from it though. was the busiest monday for me...think it was 14 pax n I was struggling to put the food out in a timely manner. It was not easy. I remember hearing Tom Colicchio say this: "I'm constantly revamping my dishes. What I ask myself most is; what can I remove from this plate".
Hmmmm...wonder if he was encountering the same problem as I did. I try to minimize my dishes to 3 at most 4 ingredients but that only last on paper...then, there are a thousand n one things in front of me that I just can't resist when I'm dishing out.  
I've put in my orders for next week. Actually they'll be here on time for sunday brunch. Got some sea whelks n Lemon Sole from France n of course my favorite..Brittany Sardines.
Last night after dinner service, my wife n I cleaned had stayed behind n clean up the entire kitchen..actually not counting the sitting area, we had pretty much done the entire cafe. You see...the arrangement that I have is quite a strange one. I basically have to set up an entire cooking space for myself every night before starting service. and I really mean an entire cooking space...stove tops, burner, everything. N after dinner service...I have to dismantle everything n tuck it away neatly so that it does not get in anybody's way. Quite an arrangement. I must be CRAZY.

found this neat little diary in my Dad's study room
The year I was born....

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